Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Next-gen iPhone to have a curved glass display?

As the WWDC comes closer and closer the rumor mill keeps churning details of the next-gen iPhone. This time we got word that the smartphone that will be named either iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S might have a curved glass display. The rumor was fueled by the reported purchase of between 200 and 300 glass-cutting machines by Apple.

The supposed reason behind this purchase is the fact that manufacturers are hesitant to purchase such machinery due to their high costs. The Cupertino-based company is said to be trying to speed up manufacturing of curved glass as it will be needing it for their next iPhone.

Currently the machines are being stored and will be assembled once yield rates for the production of curved glass reach a satisfactory level.

If this rumors turns out true the iPhone 4S will be Apple's second curved glass device, following the iPod Nano. In the smartphone world the curved glass debuted on the Samsung-made Google Nexus S.

There's still no word on the availability of the next iPhone or on when will it be announced or anything, really. But this is the Apple way of doing things and we'll just have to wait for it to be announced, or lost in a bar somewhere.

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