Friday, May 27, 2011

iPhone 5 Expected to Support GSM and CDMA

iPhone 5 Expected to Support GSM and CDMA

There are certainly many rumors circulating about Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5. With the recent partnership with Verizon, building in both GSM and CDMA support to the phones make a lot of sense.

The iPhone 5 is also expected to have an 8 megapixel camera and the same A5 processor as the iPad 2. But at this early point in the game, pretty much everything is a rumor.

But with every generation of iPhone products, there has been a special appeal that makes the new version a must-have. You can count on Steve Jobs to deliver a fifth generation blockbuster. What will that feature be?
Are you excited about the iPhone 5?

The release date is estimated to be around this Fall 2011.
Update 4/20: Looks like a September release date is expected.

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